Alessandro Alla / Publications +
Peer reviewed publications ↓
A. Alla, A. Pacifico, M. Palladino, A. Pesare,
Online identification and control of PDEs via Reinforcement Learning methods
Advances in Computational Mathematics, 2024
A. Alla, A. Monti, I. Sgura,
Piecewise DMD for oscillatory and Turing spatio-temporal dynamics
Computers and Mathematics with applications, 2024
A. Alla, H. Oliveira, G. Santin,
HJB-RBF based approach for the control of PDEs
accepted for Journal of Scientific Computing, 2023
A. Alla, M. D'Elia, C. Glusa, H. Oliveira,
Control of fractional diffusion problems via dynamic programming equations
accepted for Journal of Peridynamics and Nonlocal Modeling, 2023
A. Alla, A. Monti, I. Sgura,
Adaptive POD-DEIM correction for Turing pattern approximation in reaction-diffusion PDE systems
Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 2023
A. Alla, D. Kalise, V. Simoncini,
State-dependent Riccati equation feedback stabilization for nonlinear PDEs
Advances in Computational Mathematics, 2023
A. Alla, C. Graessle, M. Hinze
Time adaptivity in MPC
Journal of Scientific Computing, 90, 2022.
A. Alla, M. Falcone, L. Saluzzi.
A tree structure algorithm for optimal control with state constraints
Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni, 41, 2020, 193-221.
A. Alla, C.Balzotti, M. Briani, E. Cristiani
Understanding Mass Transfer Directions via Data-Driven Models with Application to Mobile Phone Data
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 19, 2020, 1372–1391.
A. Alla, B. Haasdonk, A. Schmidt
Feedback control of parametrized PDEs via model order reduction and dynamic programming principle
Advances in Computational Mathematics, 46, 2020
A. Alla, L. Saluzzi
A HJB-POD approach for the control of nonlinear PDEs on a tree structure
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 155, 2020, 192-207.
A. Alla, M. Falcone, L. Saluzzi
An efficient DP algorithm on a tree-structure for finite horizon optimal control problems
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 41, A2384–A2406.
M. Hess, A. Alla, A. Quaini, G. Rozza, M. Gunzburger
A localized reduced-order modeling approach for PDEs with bifurcating solutions
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 311, 2019, 379-403.
S. Rudy, A. Alla, S. Brunton, J.N. Kutz
Data-driven identification of parametric partial differential equations
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 18, 2019, 643–660.
A. Alla, J.N. Kutz
Randomized model order reduction
Advances in Computational Mathematics, 45, 2019, 1251-1271
A. Alla, M. Hinze, P. Kolvenbach, O. Lass, S. Ulbrich
A Certified Model Reduction Approach for Robust Parameter Optimization with PDE Constraints
Advances in Computational Mathematics, 45, 2019, 1221-1250
A. Alla, C. Graessle, M. Hinze
A-posteriori snapshot location for POD in optimal control of linear parabolic equations
ESAIM:M2AN, 52, 2018, 1847-1873
A. Alla, M. Falcone, S. Volkwein
Error analysis for POD approximations of infinite horizon problems via the dynamic programming principle
SIAM J. Control Optim., 55, 2017, 3091-3115
A. Alla, J. Nathan Kutz
Nonlinear model order reduction via Dynamic Mode Decomposition
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 39, 2017, 778-796
A. Alla, M. Falcone, D. Kalise
A HJB-POD feedback synthesis approach for wave equation
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, _blank Series, 2016, 47, 51-64
A. Alla, M. Falcone, D. Kalise
An efficient Policy Iteration algorithm for dynamic programming equations
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 37, 2015, 181-200
A. Alla, S. Volkwein
Asymptotic stability and suboptimality of Model Predictive Control for semilinear PDEs
in Advances in Computational Mathematics, 41, 2015, 1073-1102
Conference Papers ↓
A. Alla, P. Dower, V. Liu
A tree structure approach to reachability analysis
accepted for SEMA-SIMAI Springer Series, 2022
A. Alla, M. Falcone, L. Saluzzi
High-order Approximation of the Finite Horizon Control Problem via a Tree Structure Algorithm
in IFAC-PapersOnLine Volume 52, Issue 2, 2019, 19-24.
A. Alla, V. Simoncini
Order reduction approaches for the algebraic Riccati equation and the LQR problem
In: Falcone M., Ferretti R., Grüne L., McEneaney W. (eds) Numerical Methods for Optimal Control Problems. Springer INdAM Series, vol 29. Springer, Cham, 2019, 89-109
J.N. Kutz, S. Rudy, A. Alla, S. Brunton
Data-driven discovery of governing physical laws and their parametric dependencies in engineering, physics and biology
in Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), 2017 IEEE 7th International Workshop on
A. Alla, C. Graessle, M. Hinze
Snapshot location for POD in control of a linear heat equation
PAMM. Volume 16, Issue 1. 2016, 781–782
A. Alla, G. Fabrini, M. Falcone
A HJB-POD approach to the control of the level set equation
In: Benner P., Ohlberger M., Patera A., Rozza G., Urban K. (eds) Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems. MS&A (Modeling, Simulation and Applications), vol 17. Springer, Cham, 2017, 317-331
A. Alla, A. Schmidt, B. Haasdonk
Model order reduction approaches for infinite horizon optimal control problems via the HJB equation
In: Benner P., Ohlberger M., Patera A., Rozza G., Urban K. (eds) Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems. MS&A (Modeling, Simulation and Applications), vol 17. Springer, Cham, 2017, 333-347
A. Alla, C. Graessle, M. Hinze
A residual based snapshot location strategy for POD in distributed optimal control of linear parabolic equations
Conference Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Control of Partial Differential Equations, 49, 2016, 13-18
A. Alla, U. Matthes
Model order reduction for a linearized robust PDE constrained optimization
Conference Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Control of Partial Differential Equations, 49, 2016, 321-326
A. Alla, G. Fabrini, M. Falcone
Coupling MPC and DP methods for an efficient solution of optimal control problems
In: Bociu L., Désidéri JA., Habbal A. (eds) System Modeling and Optimization. CSMO 2015. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 494. Springer, Cham, 2017, 68-77
A. Alla, M. Hinze
HJB-POD feeback control of advection-diffusion equation with a model predictive control snapshot sampling
Conference Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
A. Alla, M. Hinze, O. Lass, S. Ulbrich
Model order reduction approaches for the optimal design of permanent magnets in electro-magnetic machines
in Conference Proceedings of MATHMOD 2015
A. Alla, M. Hinze
HJB-POD feedback control for Navier-Stokes equations
Conference Proceedings of ECMI 2014
A. Alla, M. Falcone, D. Kalise
An accelerated value/policy iteration scheme for the solution of DP equations
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications – ENUMATH 2013, LNCSE 103, 2015, 489-497
A. Alla, M. Falcone, D. Kalise
An efficient policy iteration algorithm for dynamic programming equations
PAMM, Volume 13, Issue 1, pp. 467-468, 2013
A. Alla, M. Falcone
A time adaptive POD method for optimal control problems
Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 1, pp. 245-250, 2013
A. Alla, M. Falcone
An adaptive POD approximation method for the control of advection-diffusion equations
Control and Optimization with PDE Constraints, K. Kunisch, K. Bredies, C. Clason, G. von Winckel (eds), International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 164, pp 1-17, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2013
PhD Thesis ↓
Submitted Papers ↓
A. Alla, G. Bertaglia, E. Calzola,
A PINN approach for the online identification and control of unknown PDEs
Submitted to Journal of Optimization and Applications, 2024
A. Alla, M. Berardi, L. Saluzzi,
A feedback control strategy for optimizing irrigation in a Richards' Equation framework
Submitted to Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2024
A. Alla, A. Pacifico,
A POD approach to identify and control PDEs online through State Dependent Riccati equations
Submitted to Dynamic Games and Applications, 2024
Dept. of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems,
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia,
Via Torino 155,
30172 - Venezia Mestre – Italy
skype: alessandro.alla